
Unlimited Live Courses?

The Car Theory courses are live via Zoom. You have the opportunity to ask questions.
You can visit as often as you want, within your membership.


More than unlimited!

Continue studying, even after your membership!

We use the Lens Media® platform for our practice questions and exams.

This gives you access to the best practice questions and exams in the Netherlands. This platform works with 10-hour licenses, with the time counting down when you are logged in. During your membership at you can generate unlimited new licenses, which gives you unlimited access.

Does your membership end?
Then the remaining time remains valid!

You can therefore continue to practice with 3250 questions and 50 theory exams after your membership.


1 Week


Unlimited access to:

Online Live Car Theory Courses (Zoom)

3250 Practising questions

50 Exams

App: Practicing priority situations

App: Overview traffic signs (Dutch)

Chat support from a theory teacher

1 Month (75% discount)


Most chosen!

Online Live Car Theory Courses (Zoom)

3250 Practising questions

50 Exams

App: Practicing priority situations

App: Overview traffic signs (Dutch)

Chat support from a theory teacher

More options

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